Sunday, February 15, 2009

Your Dad is not Liam Neeson

Your Dad IS NOT Liam Neeson~~ We have a certain unnamed daughter who is planning a wonderful trip abroad in the very near future to participate in the Study Abroad program. This really is a kick-in-the-pants exciting adventure I would've loved to have taken myself but yesterday for Valentine's Day we went to the show and saw "Taken" and we now as parents have a totally different perspective on this whole situation. Even though this daughter is of an adult age and CAN and DOES make these decisions for herself often (and does a wonderful job of it), we as CONSCIENTIOUS parents are obligated to set down some ground rules as we can't stress enough that your dad is NOT Liam Neeson....he is, as you hopefully remember, just Popsicle. So the 10 rules (strong suggestions) we want you to comply to are:
1. Watch "Taken" at least ten times minimum before leaving.
2. Dress like a bag lady for the plane flight. Katelyn's one-lens sunglasses ensemble from her Glam Girl photo op is a good starting point and would be highly recommended. The stance, the pose, the smile, the glasses...the whole package are perfect. Maybe you can borrow it.

3. Wear Black Jack gum on your front teeth in the airport terminal and leave it in place until you get safely tucked into your point of destination.
4. Learn the phrase in the native language, "I'm having trouble controlling my bowels---where is the closest bathroom?" so if you see someone approach you that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can throw them off guard by this statement.
5. Call your parents every half an hour.....YES for the entire time you are gone.
6. Carry lots of pepper spray and be willing to use it generously.
7. Instead of your favorite perfume, we are supplying you with our own "What Wally Just Rolled In" musk for you to wear.
8. Assure us that you are really studying abroad and not just following the U2 European Tour through their every destination.
9. Brush up on your repertoire of your best dialogues from either Forrest Gump or I Am Sam if you really must carry on a conversation with matter how cute they are.
10. Pray often....and did I mention use pepper spray generously.

And just to set the record straight, these rules also apply to our married daughters as well and not just our single daughter as not only is their Dad not Liam Neeson but I don't think they married Liam either.


  1. I love when a post makes me giggle! And I think Adam is more of a Kung Fu Panda. Skadoosh!

  2. Dana: I added a little bit more to this if you'd like an encore giggle.
